Vincent Thompson, Junr. entered LGS in 1879 at the age of nine. He went on to be a Major Scholar and Prizeman at Trinity College, Cambridge, and was admitted a Solicitor in Leeds in 1896.
“The Register of the Leeds Grammar School” was published in 1897, and was printed by J Laycock and Sons of Leeds.
of the
IT WILL, we hope, be readily understood that the preparation
of a School Register for publication is a task of no little
difficulty, and in the present case, unfortunately, neither of
us can claim to have any special advantages in the way of
leisure or local knowledge.
To carry out the work as we should like to see it carried
out would require abundant leisure and wide local knowledge,
and the lack of these cannot be supplied. At the same time
we have done all that in our judgment was possible to
ensure correctness, and proofs have been circulated, as far
as possible among “Old Boys” and others interested in the
School, but we are well aware that many errors, some of
them due to imperfections in the original Register, must
remain. We have thought it best, however, to publish
without undue delay, as we believe that until there is some
substantial foundation in the shape of a published Register,
very little can be done in the way of collecting or preserving
In order, therefore, to collect and preserve information
with regard to the career of “Old Boys,” and to record
corrections of the present work, an interleaved copy of the
book will be kept at the School, and any information
supplied to the Head Master will be duly entered therein.
WE DESIRE to thankfully record our indebtedness to a
very large number of “Old Boys” and others to whom
we have applied for information, and in particular, though
we feel that it is almost invidious to select, we would
mention the Rev. R. V. Taylor, Mr. M. Storr Hodson, and
Mr. J. Rawlinson Ford, the two former of whom supplied
much useful information as to the earlier names, while Mr.
Ford has been through the notes and supplied us with a
portion of the Addenda et Corrigenda.
The view of the Old School, which forms the frontispiece
to the Register, appeared in the Yorkshire Owl for 23rd
September, 1896, and is reproduced by the kind permission
of the proprietor of that journal. The view of the New
School is from a photograph by Mr. R. Stockdale.
IT IS HOPED that at some future time a history of the
School, based upon the following sketch, may be compiled.
The materials are, unfortunately, scanty, and the Brief
History of the School, which appeared in 1822, only shows
how difficult it was, even then, to obtain any accurate record
of the early history of the School.
March, 1897.
Exhibitions and Scholarships